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Welcome to the 2022-23 School Year!

Here are the supply lists by grade:


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Sixth Grade

School Kids
Uniforms Information

Back to school isn't complete without a shopping trip for school clothes. 

At the Academy, we want every child to feel comfortable and safe. Our uniforms  make getting ready in the morning fast and easy so our students can focus on learning.

We keep our uniform policy simple and accessible.They are not meant to be a financial burden and can be purchased at many retailers including Wal-mart, Children's Place, Land's End, etc.

Growing Gentlemen should wear khaki or navy blue pants or shorts and a solid-colored polo. Close-toed shoes are required and sneakers are preferred. No piercings or feminine jewelry. 

Young ladies can choose between navy blue or khaki bottoms, including pants, long shorts, skorts, skirts, or jumpers. Solid-colored polo dresses are permitted.  Cartwheel or biker shorts should be work underneath skirts and dresses to protect our students' modesty. 

Girls tops can be any solid-colored polo shirts. Shoes must be closed-toe and sneakers are preferred. Modest earrings are permitted. 

More detailed information on uniforms and appearance are included in the Student Handbook. 

School Supplies
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